How do I prepare myself for a SHR treatment SmartLaser La Vallée

We often get questions about the treatments :”Do I need to do something specific? Do I have to prepare in some way?” Well, you can leave your worries at home. The biggest preparations are for us, however there’s just a few things we’ll ask our clients to do before your appointment.

And that takes us straight to the intake session, which is an important part of getting started. Even more so, even if you’ve had previous laser experience or feel like you’ve fully informed yourself online, we won’t start the treatments before we have fully informed our clients and fill in a small medical checklist together. Why? Because we feel it’s important that every client has the feeling they can make an informed decision. The intake session is therefore always so you can decide at your own pace if you’d like to start your hair-free journey.

Okay, I’m ready to get started!

So you’ve decided you’d like to get started with the laser treatments – great! As we’ve mentioned before, there’s only a few things you have to do or keep in mind before every single appointment:

  • Please shave your preferred laser zones 24 hours beforehand. This is necessary for the light impulses to reach your hair follicle. Shaving the day before your appointment is definitely a must.


  • For facial zones, no skincare or make-up on the day of the treatment. For armpits, no deodorant. For the rest of the body, no bodylotion or oilsIf you do, this will negatively impact the result of the laser treatments. Think of it as SPF – these products might put a layer on the skin that the laser cannot go through. After the treatment you’re welcome to apply your products as needed.


    • Your skin gives the best results if it’s calm and untreated . It’s best to avoid getting a spraytan, intense sun exposure (like vacation) or use a tanning bed the day before your treatment. Sunburnt skin cannot be lasered and treatment will be refused until the sunburn is gone.


  • If anything changes regarding your medical checklist or your hormonal balance (pregnancy, medication, …) please inform us. In some cases we will have to take extra precaution or (temporarily) stop the treatments.


  • At least 2 to 3 weeks before your appointment you cannot wax, epilate or bleach the hairs you would like to get treated. Why? Because the hair follicles, which are essential for lasering, must be intact. With waxing you can damage or remove the hair follicles and unnecessarily prolong the process and amount of treatments you’ll need.


That’s it! If you have any other questions, please reach out to us or ask them before starting your laser treatment.